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Friday, 9 October 2015

How The English Were Named


The English have been known by many names throughout their history, some good and some bad. Found below is an account of how the English became known as such, followed by some names the English are known by in other parts of the world and then a list of regional names which the English call one another.

Back in the day when the English ran around in loincloths and branded wooden clubs the Romans came to visit. The Romans found these Island people an amiable bunch so much that they decided to stay on for a few hundred years.
The Romans knew England then as Albion but they changed it's name to Britannia and it's people's name to Britons after the Roman Consul, Brutus of Troy, soon after their invasion in AD 55.
Since then the word British has come to mean anyone from Great Britain, but it's origins at first pertained just to the English.
In AD 410, the last Roman left England but the celebrating was short lived as quite soon after the Saxons came a calling.
Truth be told the English didn’t mind these Germanic people as they had a very similar culture to theirs and lived in tribal colonies much as the English did, and of course, best of all, they weren’t Roman!
The two cultures worked together, conducted business together and married one another, leading to the Saxon people naming these island people Angles after their homeland of Angelin in Saxony in Germany, which led to the combined cultures being known as Anglo - Saxon.

In 1066 the Normans came to stay after they’d killed the English King and put their Norman King on the throne in his place.
This king was William the Conqueror and was the first man to rule over the whole of England. He called his new country Angleterre (Land of the Angles in French) and it's people the Anglais.
However not wishing to lose their identity or their Germanic / Saxon roots, the Angles changed these new French sounding names to the more Germanic sounding England for the country and English for it's people and language. 
The word Angle has gone on to become the stem word for the name Anglia, which went on to be the new Latin word for England and the word Anglo, which even to this day pertains to anything English, for it's people, culture or language. 

Since those early days several names have been attributed to the English.
Times of war seemed to have conjured up a few nicknames that have lasted the test of time, including the name Redcoats, a name attributed to 17th century soldiers owing to their bright red jackets and the more common names of Limey given to British sailors and Tommy given to WWI soldiers.
The term Limey was first coined by people of the Caribbean and goes back to the practise of giving sailors lime juice to stave off scurvey, a condition caused through lack of vitamin C, which was rife on long sea voyages.
The name Tommy was given to WWI British soldiers after military sign up papers used the name Tommy Atkins as an example to help them fill in their forms. 

The name Pom means ‘Product of Mother England but upon realising that there were just as many prisoners sent to the antipodean colonies from Scotland, Ireland or Wales then went on to mean ‘Product of the Motherland’ and was attributed to the Brits by the Australians and New Zealanders during the time of the transportation of convicts to British penal colonies there.

The names Sais or Sassenach is a name used by our Celtic brothers in Scotland, Wales and Ireland and means Saxon, as that is the name of the race from which the English are derived.

Names coined for the English by our European neighbours are Rosbif by the French, which simply pertains to our love of roast beef, the name Inselaffen used in Germany, which means Island Monkeys, which despite the reference to monkeys the term is not derogatory, quite the reverse actually, as the term comes from the German's amazement at how agile British builders are when climbing ladders and scaffolding on building sites.

The Arabic people call the English Angrez, a word which comes from the French Anglais and means white English people of Anglo -  Saxon origin.
In Thailand the English are known as Angrit another word that stems from the French Anglais.  

All over England the different towns, cities and counties have their own regional names for their people, most of which are quite elemental once you realise the root of the word.

Brummies - Is the name attributed to people of the City of Birmingham. The name comes from the Old English name for the city, Brummagen, which has led to the city being known as Brum and it's people as Brummies.

Carrot Crunchers - Is the name attributed to the people from the county of Norfolk due to it's large carrot producing history.

Clay Heads - Is the name for people from the city of Stoke - on - Trent, so called owing to the city being the centre of the British ceramics industry for the last three hundred years.

Cockneys - Is the colloquial term for people from the East End of London, so named because some working class children asked an upper class gentleman the question ' do cocks neigh' ? - Meaning do cockerels make the same noise as a horse - 
The upper classes then went on to use this term for the working class population of London's East End. It was meant as a derogatory term to humiliate the uneducated but today is worn as a badge of pride.

Donkey Lashers - Despite the harsh title this is actually a fun name that is attributed to the people of Blackpool, a holiday resort in the north west of England. The name stems from the Victorian practice of riding donkies on the beach, a beloved past time still favoured on English beaches to this day. 

Geordie - is the name attributed to the people of Tyneside in north east England. The word is a derivative of the man's name George, as it was the most common name for boys in that area.

Londoners - Is the correct title for people from the capital, remembering that Cockney is only attributed to people from the East End. 

Mancs - Is the name for someone from Manchester and is just a shortened word for Manchester, although they are probably better known as Mancunions today.

Manx Men - Is the name for someone from the Isle of Man, which comes from the word Manx, the official name of the Isle of Man.

Monkey Hangers - Is a term attributed to the people of Hartlepool in north east England. This term derives from a legend that says during the Napoleonic wars of the 17th century a boat sailed into the town’;s harbour and a monket disembarked. 
The people of Hartlepool had never seen a Frenchman before and thought that the monkey was a Frenchman so they promptly had him arrested, tried and put to death by hanging as an enemy of the state. 

Norfolk Dumplings - Another name for people from the county of Norfolk which takes it roots from the area's local delicacy of stew and dumplings.

Overers - Is the name used by people from the Isle of Wight in reference to the English, so called  because England is over there.

Pots / Potters - is another name for the ceramic making people of Stoke - on - Trent. A few decades ago they had also been known as Potheads, but that term has been discouraged in recent years for  obvious reasons.

Scousers - Is the name attributed to people primarily from the City Liverpool and the Mersey side area in general and comes from the Norwegian word lobskaus, which was the name of a stew that was made and sold at the quayside of Liverpool docks. 
The stew became known as scouse and the people who made it, sold it and ate it all became known as scousers.

Woollybacks - In recent years the name woollyback has come to mean anyone that lives in a sheep rearing area, but the name's roots actually come from Liverpool and is the name the city gave to anyone who lived in Liverpool, but was not originally from Liverpool. 
The name comes from the dockers who loaded woollen bales onto ships which would leave a thin layer of wool on their backs. This job was done by many who lived and worked in Liverpool docks but who did not actually originate from Liverpool.
The official term today is generally only attributed to people from the Wirral Peninsular, which is situated on the opposite bank of the River Mersey from Liverpool.

Yam Yams - Is the name for people of the Black Country in England's midlands, so called because of their coloquial saying for I Am, which is yam.

Yellow Bellies - Is the name for people from the county of Lincolnshire, so called because of the yellow bellied frog that is prevalent in that county. 

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